Career Corner: Get your resume noticed – Tips from Dealsplit Staffing (

I thought these tips were straightforward and good to get you started on identifying your dream job and getting your resume out there. For more free tips on writing your resume, visit my free career articles page at

Tips from Dealsplit Staffing (

When you start thinking about a new job, aim high! Make a list of the things you are looking for in your dream job. Number them in order of importance to you. Your list might include the following:

  • Salary
  • Location
  • Exposure: the more people who see your resume the more chances you have getting that perfect job. We recommend using
  • A particular company
  • A particular location
  • A good benefits package
  • Ample vacation time
  • Opportunity for advancement
  • Travel (or not!)

Your Resume – Making it work for you Your resume should be accurate and clear.

1. Accurate – List the positions you have held, most recent first. Job titles are often misleading, so add a brief description of what you did.

2. Clear – Your resume must be easy to read (no tiny type or fancy typefaces) and be well laid out. Use headings such as Work Experience, Education, Publications, etc. to break up the page. Put your name and contact information at the top of the first page – and add it in smaller type at the bottom of the second page if there is one. After you follow these few easy steps, you should be on your way to improving your chances on finding that perfect job. Finding a service like, will always maximize your ability to reaching out to as many hiring companies as possible and can only increase your exposure to the employment field.

Hallie Crawford
Career Expert