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Career Corner: Five Signs It’s Time to Look for a New Job

How do you know when it’s really time to look for a new job? To help you figure it out, here’s a blurb from a recent article I wrote for Advertising Age Magazine (April 19, 2007). Over the next several days I’ll delve into these points more.

Whatever You Do, Don’t Remain Miserable
By Hallie Crawford

We all have our ups and downs at work. Some weeks we’re super-productive. Other weeks, not so much. But how do you know when it’s time to really make a move — updating your portfolio and beginning the official career search? Here are five signs that should point you in the right direction.

You dread getting out of bed in the morning.
Do you repeatedly hit the snooze button? Do you have an overwhelming desire to remain buried under the covers, far from demands, deadlines and clamoring coworkers? One of the biggest red flags of job dissatisfaction is an unwillingness to face the day — not just some mornings, but every morning. What’s your body trying to tell you?

Your work relationships and performance are beginning to suffer.
Remember when group projects were productive, water-cooler chat was a pleasant repose and happy hour truly was happy? If lately you find yourself avoiding certain people and tasks, slacking on your reviews or really dreading the annual company picnic, chances are you’ve lost that loving feeling for your job.

Click here to read the rest of this career article. I hope this is helpful, Hallie

Career Transition Coach Hallie Crawford