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Career Corner: Career Advice for College Grads – How to Network With Family and Friends Tip #4

Tip #4 – Don’t be afraid to ask.

There's no need to be shy about asking for information or help. If the person you're planning to speak with enjoys what they do and are kind-hearted, they'll be happy to give you advice and recommendations.  And at the same time, you need to handle this professionally and courteously so you are respectful of their time. Ask them how much time they are able to give you (20 minutes, 30 minutes, can you take them to lunch?) and stick to that, don’t go over unless they continue talking.

Many jobs are landed by following up on a referral, so pursue these personal contacts with commitment. Be persistent – make it a point to chat with as many people as possible about your career plans. Put yourself out there, I promise it will pay off.

College grad coach
Hallie Crawford
Career Seekers Career Coach