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Career Advice: Avoiding Debts From Higher Education


Some of the best career advice you can get involves your education and how to pay for it.  

career-adviceOne of the best ways to prepare yourself for your first job or a higher paying job is to pursue higher education.   Many graduates today face exorbitant school loans to repay, thus accruing debt before they even receive a diploma.  The website,  states “depending on your career goals, and on the availability of grants and scholarships to help offset your unmet need, you may be looking at an accumulated student loan debt of anywhere between $26,000 and $100,000.”

One way to minimize your debt is to attend a state-owned institution rather than a privately-owned institution.   If you worry about whether an employer will frown on the institution from which you graduated, consider a few other variables.  A time period existed when employers favored graduates from Ivy League schools and schools with prestigious names; however, today’s standards differ.  Capability, experience, and fit are major factors employers consider in choosing job candidates now regardless of the school from which they graduated.  Fit means that a candidate will blend well with other workers as well as with the company culture.   If job candidates graduated from the most prestigious of universities, but the employer doesn’t think their personality will blend with the other co-workers, the chances of those candidates receiving a job offer are slim.

When you make your decision to obtain higher education, consider the debit you will have to repay so you can pursue other life goals after graduation.  Then, research state-owned technical schools, colleges, and universities within your own state or pursue those that accept tuition reciprocity.  Tuition reciprocity means participating states and institutions allow you to attend a college out of your state at reduced or similar in-state tuition fees.  Google the term “tuition reciprocity” to learn more.  By all means, further your education, but when choosing a school to attend, try to obtain grants or scholarships, consider your debt after graduation, and most of all, choose wisely!

We hope this career advice is helpful to you,

Terry L. Wynne, Ed.S., LPC, BCC, Career Coach at

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