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Brainstorm Career Ideas By Combining Skills

This is a great article from the Wall Street Journal that I wanted to share with you: How to Get a Real Education

There are several helpful career tips that I’ll discuss over the next few posts. It’s written by the creator of the Dilbert comic strip. I think we can all safely say we’d consider him a successful entrepreneur and business person. His first piece of advice about Combining Skills is relevant to both defining your career direction, and an effective job search. Here are some tips to help you brainstorm alternative career ideas:

  • Work on a list where you write down all of your skills on a piece of paper
  • Take out your resume to do this so you don’t miss anything
  • Begin to look at how you can combine some of those skills into a new career path for yourself

My Tuesday career coaching group did this last week with great success. Each person identified their skills and brainstormed different career paths that might use the different skills they came up with. This is another very helpful tool to help you come up with additional career ideas you can consider and research. Good luck! I hope this is helpful to you!

Hallie Crawford
Job Help Coach