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Advice from a Career Coach: Stop Being Dramatic

career coach advice

career coach adviceAs a career coach, usually when potential clients come to me for career coaching, they’re so frustrated with their current jobs that they feel as if they must make a dramatic change. But often, as we progress through the process, they realize the change doesn’t have to be that dramatic.

I’ve seen all situations, from a theater director becoming a holistic health professional to a financial analyst remaining at his company but transferring to the marketing department. For some, a change in the same company, or even a change in the same position within that company, is enough.

The critical point here is to avoid being overly dramatic in your thinking. It’s much easier to make a subtle shift in your direction than a 180 degree change, and if that works then it’s the perfect way to go. When you’re in the throes of being unhappy at work, your situation may:

1. Seem worse than it is, when in reality you’re just going through a rough patch, or
2. Require merely a course correction instead of a gigantic change.

Whatever your situation, know that you can make the shift. Just keep things in perspective. Teresa worked at Ernst and Young in Chicago. She was very frustrated with her job and that most of her team worked in New York. She felt disconnected from her co-workers although they were supposed to interact constantly. As we investigated her situation and started to define what would work better, Marina clarified that she loved many things about her job, but the main problem was her boss.
Instead of a dramatic career change, she eventually realized that remaining in her current field, but perhaps with a different company, was probably the best way for her to go.

In a nutshell: When you’re considering a career transition, keep in mind it may not have to be as dramatic as you think.

Action step: To determine if you need a course correction or a complete overhaul of your career choice, make a list of things you like and dislike about your current position. Then make a list of the things you like and dislike about your profession in general. This helps determine if you have the right career path but the wrong job.

We hope this information is helpful to you!  Hallie Crawford, Certified Career Coach at

Need help with your career?

Certified Career Coach Hallie Crawford is a career coach that specializes in helping professionals identify their ideal career path, navigate their transition and nurture their career. To schedule a complimentary consultation and find out more about Hallie visit

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