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Adjust your attitude and perspective

You hear it everywhere…times are tough; it's hard to make ends meet; there are no jobs; etc.

Don't fall into this trap and negative perspective. Here's an exercise to help you change your perspective and maintain a positive attitude during your job search:

First, write down 5 things that are working in your life. From your health, your job – anything that’s working well and you are grateful for. Starting by focusing on what’s working gets your brain into a more positive mental state; an “attitude of gratitude.”

Next, write down 5 things in your life that aren’t working. Then ask yourself, is there anything good about these things? Could there possibly be a silver lining? Or are these things I need to work through or around, and how can I do that?

As you examine the things that aren’t working in your life, from a more positive mental place, you have an opportunity to change your perspective by changing your thinking. It’s all about the power of your thoughts.  

Contact me if you'd like some help!

Hallie Crawford
Career Coaching