6 Tips to Ease the Threat of a Job Loss

Here's a excerpt from a recent article that I was interviewed for. I think it is very timely – check it out:

Survey: Workers Face Job Anxiety in 2009
6 Tips to Ease the Threat of a Job Loss
by Tom Musbach Yahoo Hot Jobs

As Americans brace for continued economic turmoil in 2009, 1 in 3 workers say they are anxious about the viability of their jobs, according to a recent survey. But the same study also reveals that job satisfaction rose during the yearlong recession of 2008. Nearly 38% of respondents said they were "very satisfied" with their jobs, compared with 28% in 2007. The findings were part of an annual December survey by Yahoo! HotJobs.

Despite the anxiety felt by a third of the workforce (34%), the results suggest that more workers are looking on the bright side of being employed.

Love the Job You Have?

"It's definitely the recession causing this," says Laurence Shatkin, author of 150 Best Recession-Proof Jobs. "People realize that their jobs aren't that bad after all when they consider the alternatives, which aren't very promising right now."

Liz Bywater, executive coach and president of Bywater Consulting Group, agrees. "For many people, the deepening recession and ever-present threat of losing their jobs means modified expectations and requirements for job satisfaction," she says "Most people are just glad to have a job."

Ways to Combat Job-Loss Anxiety

For those who are anxious about a possible job loss this year, experts recommend the following six tips, which could also help improve job satisfaction:

Maintain perspective. If losing your job appears likely, career coach Hallie Crawford advises checking your attitude. "You can see being laid off as the worst thing that's ever happened, or an opportunity to find something new that's a great or better fit for you. You can't control what happens to you, but you can control your reaction to what happens. Be proactive and maintain a positive attitude." …


Read the rest of the tips here

Have a great week!

Hallie Crawford
Atlanta Certified Career Coach