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4 Steps to Help You Meet Your Career Goals!

I had the privilege of being on a radio show for Q100 here in Atlanta last week. We talked about staying on top of New Year’s resolutions. Here are 4 steps to help you meet your career goals that I shared on the show:

  • Create a job search plan that includes your ideal career direction, plus two other possible ideas related to it, in case you need to expand your search over time.
  • Firm up your elevator pitch. What makes you unique? You have to know your brand or your value. Understand your strengths and what you bring to the table.
  • Network, network, and network. Networking is still the best way to get a job. Employers are still going to be hesitant to post jobs because they still get flooded with resumes. Set up as many informational interviews as possible.
  • Go for what you really want. The job market is getting better, but you have to realize it takes work and time. Sometimes a new approach to your job search is needed to stand a better chance to land the job you really want.

If you’d like help at achieving your career goals this year, contact us today to set up a complimentary consultation.

Hallie Crawford
Job Coach

P.S. If you are interested in furthering your career direction, be sure to check out these free tools, specially designed to help you on you career journey.