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Do you feel overwhelmed by your work, home and family responsibilities? Are you frequently stressed because you can’t get everything done? If your life seems like a circus …juggling work, home and family responsibilities – you’re not alone. Many people just like you feel like their life is leading them, instead of them leading a purpose driven life and choosing where they spend their time. So, who’s running the show? Is it your cell phone, your laptop, your boss – or you? If your answer is something else than you it’s time to get back in the driver’s seat!

Life balance is a buzzword these days for good reason. It’s a chronic issue that comes up in conversation because quite simply, life has become harder to manage. With email, cell phones and everything else demanding our attention it’s no wonder we get bogged down in to-do lists and wonder at the end of the day where the time went. We’re expected to work faster and more efficiently, plus we’re more accessible than ever because of new technology that allows us to work or communicate from anywhere. Information comes at us faster than ever. And this trend shows no sign of stopping. 

Here are simple steps you can take to help you get your life back into balance in the New Year:

Step One: Make a list of the different areas of your life where you’re not spending as much time and energy as you’d like. For example, if you’ve lost touch with friends and family or aren’t connecting with them as frequently as you want to, put that down. Come up with at least 3 areas that need work in terms of your time and attention. 

Step Two: Develop one action step that you can take to make improvements in each of these three areas. Keep them simple, and include a time frame or deadline for each of them. If you don’t include a deadline, it’s just a wish not a tangible goal. 

Step Three: Follow through. Find a way to remind yourself of your action items. Will you write them in your planner? A post it on your fridge? Use whatever tool works for you. 

Need more help with this? Check out my Work/Life Balance Audio Program.

Here's to having a career you love,

Hallie Crawford
 Career Transition Coach