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3 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Professional Resume Writer


hire-professional-resume-writerWe all know how important a resume can be. Research shows that most hiring managers only spend 10-20 seconds on applicant’s resumes, so you want to make a great first impression. However, since free resume templates have become more and more accessible, do you really need to hire a professional resume writer? Here are three important reasons why you should:

  1. Personal interest. A good professional resume writer doesn’t simply rewrite your original resume. Our professional resume writers will take a personal interest in you and your work accomplishments. Then they use that information to write a better quality resume that will get immediate attention and better results.

  2. Self-awareness. A free resume template won’t help you discover your accomplishments at work. An experienced resume writer will take the time to unearth exactly what you have contributed to the workplace and help you to be more aware of things that would catch the eye of a hiring manager. Many times our clients walk away, not just with a complete resume, but with a feeling of greater self-worth. Our resume writers help clients to discover that they have accomplished more in the workplace than they thought. This confidence also prepares them for upcoming job interviews.

  3. High quality. When you hire a professional resume writer, they don’t just use a template to create your new resume. They take time to create a quality document that is true to you, your industry, and that stands out from the other free-template resumes that hiring managers will sort through.

Our resume writers do not use standard questionnaires or any templates. Instead, they interview each client individually and tailor resume solutions to their specific needs. Get to know our resume writers here.

Visit our resumes services page to learn more about how we can help you create the best resume possible.