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3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Quitting Your Job (Part 2)

quitting your job

quitting your jobHallie was honored to be featured in a recent Glassdoor article about things to ask yourself before turning in your two-week notice. As a follow up to this article, we wanted to share some additional tips with you.

You want to make sure that you are quitting for the right reasons. So before quitting, consider why you want to quit. Make sure you’re not quitting in anger or because you’re frustrated with a recent decision your boss made or something else that is a short-lived or temporary frustration. Also, ask yourself if two-weeks notice is the right amount of time to provide to them, depending on when you start your new job and if there are any projects you want to complete before you leave. Consider whether you are able to give the company your time if needed to train someone else to take over your position, or help them find someone new so if they ask you, you’re ready with an answer that is comfortable for you.

If you are looking to start your own business it’s important to choose the right kind of business, that will be successful, viable and rewarding for you. And you can’t just wing it, you need to have a plan in place before you quit, so you can get started and be successful as quickly as possible.

It’s important to make sure that you are prepared mentally and financially to start your own business. It’s also important to analyze if you have the necessary training, and the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful.

If you are thinking about quitting your job to start your own business, ask yourself questions such as:

– Do I “have what it takes” to start my own business, personality-wise and financially?

– Am I fully committed to my business, ready to get started and do I have support systems in place to help ensure I am successful?

Want more information about how to avoid or fix Career Mistakes? Watch these helpful videos Hallie has created by clicking here.