Tara Scarlett – Tara has found her path and is on her way towards fulfilling her dream of being a professional photographer with her own business. She developed a financial plan to take care of her bills, asked for support from her friends and family, and left her position at a marketing firm to pursue her passion. Here’s a look at her journey so far:
How did you uncover your dream career? A lot of self-exploration, in order to realize and accept my interests and natural talents. I’ve wanted to be a photographer since I was a kid, but I think I was afraid to go for it. I needed to give myself permission to take the leap….Read more here http://www.createyourcareerpath.com/successstories.html
Read other Client Success Stories for more tips on finding a career you love and making it happen http://www.createyourcareerpath.com/successstories.html. Check out Tara’s website .