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What are your stepping stones to your dream job?

When it’s time to make any type of change, people understandably get antsy and sometimes anxious. Change is scary for us. The fear of the unknown can leave us stuck in fear or anxiety. Know that this is okay, and that the discomfort you’re experiencing is actually a good sign because it means you are making a change and starting to step outside your comfort zone towards a more fulfilling career path.

Amidst the anxiety, there is typically also a sense of excitement. Embrace that motivation, tap into it to keep you moving forward, AND realize that this is a process that can take some time. Be willing to be patient with it, and with yourself. Even taking a small step forward is moving in the right direction!

Starting small CAN be the stepping stone to a dream; we all have to start somewhere. And most importantly, when obstacles and fears start arising, you need to attack them head on.

Inspirational facts to keep you moving forward when those fears strike:

  • The Vice President of Columbia told this actor that he was never going to make it in the business. The actor? – Harrison Ford
  • His first book was rejected by 12 publishing houses and sixteen agents. – John Grisham
  • Turned down by a recording company saying “We don’t like their sound and guitar music is on the way out” – They were talking about the Beatles
  • Was told by his father that he would amount to nothing and be a disgrace to himself and his family – Charles Darwin
  • Told by a music teacher “as a composer he is hopeless” – Beethoven
  • Fired from a newspaper because he “lacked imagination and had no original ideas” – Walt Disney
  • Were told by Publishers that “anthologies didn’t sell” and the book was “too positive” – Rejected a total of 140 times. The book? Chicken Soup for the Soul. It now has 65 different titles and has sold over 80 million copies all over the world.

“If you aim at nothing you’ll hit it every time” –Zig Ziglar

Here’s to finding your dream job!

Hallie Crawford
Career Coach Atlanta

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