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Love Your Job! Finding a Career that FITS – free teleclass

Imagine what it would be like to have a career that fits you like a glove and that you truly enjoy…

Are you ready to have a career you are passionate about? Then now is the time to start making it happen.

In this high value teleclass you will:

  • Begin to uncover the components of a satisfying career that we tend to overlook
  • Discover why the components you’re focusing on may be preventing you from moving forward!
  • Identify and learn to overcome obstacles that get in the way of finding a satisfying career
  • Get bonus success tips to successfully make a career transition

This class is for anyone looking for career direction or wanting greater fulfillment in their work, and who need help figuring out how to make that happen! You don’t have to settle for less. You can have a career you are passionate about. This is an introduction to the Career Seekers Teleclass.

Next free FITS teleclass
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
12:00 PM – 12:55 PM (Eastern/NY time)
Over the phone so you can call in from anywhere

Click here to register for the free Finding a Career that FITS teleclass.

What others have said: “Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom with us today. You are awesome!” …”You did a super job! Thank you!” “Thank you very much for your class today. It was a real motivator for me… I like your style.” …”You really made a difference in my day!”

Career Coach Extraordinaire Hallie Crawford