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Hallie Recommends – Bring Science and the Law of Attraction together

You've heard me talk about Jeanna before-she rocks! Check out her health program below…
I know, you think you’ve heard it all before, but you haven’t. And that’s a BIG part of the problem; you haven’t been given the right information
about what really works when it comes to having a healthy, fit body you
love living in. In fact, almost 90% of what you believe about food and
exercise and your body is totally bogus! My good friend and colleague, Xtreme Abundance Coach Jeanna Gabellini wants to give you the tools to never worry about food, exercise or the state of your health ever again. 

Jeanna Gabellini and David Di Francesco are not fooling you when they say that you can have the super fit, attractive body you’ve always wanted without depriving yourself of the foods you love or slogging through some kind of fascist fitness regime. They understand if you’re a bit skeptical at this point, but give them a chance to share what they have learned to be true…

Look, we all know what it’s like to be frustrated and unhappy with the way you look and feel. We’ve experienced the merry-go-round of feeling hopeful and inspired by the newest diet or cure-all only to end up disappointed, depressed and slightly disgusted with ourselves when we didn’t get the results we wanted.

Jeanna and David are going to teach you the truth about how your body really works so you can eat the foods you love and still be healthy, strong and fit. Together, they’ll share what really works when it comes to exercise so you can stop forcing yourself to do workouts you hate! Jeanna and David will teach you why you aren’t getting the results you want in all areas of healing your body, and how you can turn it all around and finally have, once and for all, a body you LOVE living in!”

The content and processes they have created are REVOLUTIONARY!  It’s going to change the way you feel, look and live. You’re never going to worry about food, exercise or the state of your health ever again. That life-sucking merry-go-round is OVER!
Infallible Health

  • Includes 9 teleseminar sessions the first three Tuesdays of the month, beginning February 10, 2009 at 1-2pm PT/ 4-5pm ET
  • The “Infallible Health” Guidebook
  • Plus, unlimited email support throughout the (3) month course.

Bring Science and the Law of Attraction together
Killer Body & Amazing Health!

All for the ridiculously low price of
$ 299/month or $797 if paid in full.

In this 3-month teleseminar you get cutting-edge information and step-by-step support on how to take charge of your health, weight and fitness, free up your life energy and feel amazing every day by learning how your body really works.

You will discover how your thoughts and feelings affect your body’s processes, gain insight as to what’s really in your way, AND WHAT YOU CAN DO, RIGHT NOW, TO CREATE LASTING, OPTIMAL HEALTH AND FITNESS.

Time and schedule won’t allow for this course?  No worries – NOW – just in time for the New Year, Jeanna and David have unveiled their newest product –

“Infallible Health”
The Home Study System

Includes 9 mp3 class audios and a manual

Bring Science and the Law of Attraction together
Killer Body & Amazing Health!

All for the ridiculously low price of
$ 249

Just think how good it’s going to feel to have the rockin’, super-fit body you’ve always wanted, plus the right information to hold you in good health for the rest of your life. You now get to be your own authority when it comes to what’s perfect for you and your health.

No more worrying and obsessing about food, exercise or whether the next illness is going to get you. You get to feel energized, happy and free in your body every day of your life.

If you are thinking to yourself, “I am so ready to start having a body I love living in and finally be free of the obsessive, life-sucking diet/exercise merry-do-round!”,  then you must hear what these two have to say!

Listen to our recording here:
Get the scoop on the class that will rock your body!
Just scroll down and sign up to receive the no cost recording that will tell you everything you need to know!

The sharp edge of science fully supports this fact: YOUR HEALTH, WEIGHT and FITNESS are not determined by what you eat, what exercise you do or your genetic makeup.

They are determined by what you think and how youfeel!

Get your Killer Body & Amazing Health

Teleclass HERE
Home Study System HERE


Here's to having a career you love,
Hallie Crawford
Certified Career Coach