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Finding a Fulfilling and Rewarding Career Tip 1

When you are in career transition and are on the path to a more fulfilling and rewarding career, there are three tips that will help you in the right direction. Here's #1:

1. Commit yourself to making a change. 

Something that is incredibly important to any change you make in your life is your level of commitment. You have to be committed. How committed are you to finding a career that fits, on a scale from 1-10?

If it’s not at a 10, what do you need to do to move it up the scale? The time to ask yourself key questions is now. Do your research, so you know what questions to keep in mind.

Contact a career expert who can help you become reacquainted with your goals and dreams. Explore career websites. Take personality tests. You will find that the more time you invest in career opportunities and self-discovery, the more committed to the cause you'll become.

If you have any questions about making a career change, discovering what type of career best suits your skills, or determining the key components of a career that fits, explore my website details below and then get in touch! I'd love to hear from you.

Remember, life doesn't just ‘happen' to us. It's our responses to life that create our personal reality! Think about this for a moment. You really ARE in charge of creating your own life … So take the reins with your career and contact me if you have any questions about making a career change, discovering what type of career best suits your skills, or determining the key components of a career that fits – that’s what I’m here for.

Here's to having a career you love!
Hallie Crawford
Career Seekers Career Coach