Casual Workforce Interview
Finding career direction. Media interview: Interviews Hallie on how to find career direction.
Job Search Home Study
5 Audios that come with the Job Search Homestudy book sold on Hallie’s site
Q100 Radio Audios
7 Intervews: tips for dream job, laid off, ideal career, new job, job market, career advancement
Workbook Audios
Ideal Career Workbook. 8 audios that go with Ideal Career Workgook sold on Hallie’s site
Identify Your Ideal Career Path Homestudy
Recordings for Homestudy program. 18 audio sessions to go through Ideal Career Workbook on own.
Top 3 Tools
Special Report Audios. Recordings for Top 3 Tools report. 4 audios that do with Top 3 Tools free report on Hallie’s site
Ideal Career Audio Visualizations
Ideal Career Guide. 4 audios, visualization program for current career reality
Group coaching. 10 clients give testimonials about group coaching.
Freebie audios on various topics. 8 tips to pump up job search, creating career opportunities, 3 simple steps, 3 critical keys to navigate career transition, create new possibilities in 30 days.
Audios for newsletter
What to do if you’ve been laid off. 3 quick tips to beef up resume (from Fling Solo)
Info Interviews – Matt Jones interviews Hallie. Job market.
Saved Uploaded Recording/Networking
Matt Jones. Networking
Caps and Gowns
Advice for New Grads. Matt Jones interviews Hallie. Job hunting for young people.
Hallie Crawford’s Media Reel
Interview with Hallie on finding ideal career.
Difference between individual and group.
Explanation of difference, why clients like group vs individual.